Now I have two daughters who have become young women, and two to take to the temple next time we're in the US. I remember being at a family dinner with Kathleen when she was a new baby and talking with my uncle. His oldest daughter had just graduated high school, and he commented that one day your baby is just a few months old and then you're sending them off to college. I still remember thinking that it wasn't possible for time to move so quickly, but I understand him much more now.
It doesn't feel like it was that long ago that I only had two little girls who couldn't talk and needed me to do everything for them. Now I have two young women that can take care of their five younger siblings, cooking for them, feeding them, getting them ready for bed, putting them to bed, and cleaning everything up while Brandon and I are on a date. I confess that life is a lot easier than it was back then!
Since Brandon is still working from home, we got to have a proper birthday holiday, complete with sleeping in an a leisurely breakfast of crepes with fresh strawberries, whipped cream, and chocolate sauce. We spend most of the day cooking or getting food for Sophia's birthday dinner (which was not nearly as easy as Eleanor's), but Sophia was perfectly happy to keep me company and chat. I love that my girls still enjoy talking with me.
We finished the day with dinner (eggs Benedict) cake (strawberry chocolate meringue torte) and presents, which weren't that many as the mail has been sporadic and no presents were ordered. But there were enough to make Sophia happy, and so it was a good end to the day.
We are all grateful to have Sophia as part of our family. She is patient and calm with her younger siblings, something that I probably take advantage of too much when things get crazy. I know that William and Eleanor often do, begging her to read them books, push them on the swing, or make toys for them. She is capable and confident, and I look forward to watch her increase in both of those things as she continues to grow up. Happy Birthday, Sophia!