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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Love Affair Progresses

Until yesterday, Kathleen kept her passion for the toilet restrained and chaste, only banging on the lid, and occasionally lifting it for a more... intimate... view of her beloved. However, as small children enjoy showing off for strangers, Kathleen decided that Aunt Ginger's visit would be a perfect time to unveil a new skill, a new level of her relationship - taking the plunge one might call it. As Brandon, Ginger, and I were cheerfully discussing Thanksgiving plans, I heard a gentle splash splash. Afraid someone had inadvertently left the lid open, I raced to the bathroom to discover Kathleen's newest skill - lifting the toilet lid while simultaneously splashing in the water. She smiled, and I spanked her. A few minutes later, and a repeat, followed by a third time, with punishment each time. Hopefully third time's the charm, but I'm not holding my breath.


Jeff Dixon said...
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dixonfamily said...

Oh, poor little Kathleen. It is too bad that the most fascinating things are the ones that are off limits.

Latter-day Guy said...

Do think that a swirlie would be more effective than a spanking in this case?

Laura said...

Maybe you need a toilet lid latch to keep her from her new toy. :) Get some pictures so you can laugh about it later. :)

Brynn said...

What is it about kids that they love the most yucky things? My niece went into the trash, opened a diaper, got out some poo, and spread it all over the kitchen floor. And she loved it and had the best time doing it! Little kids are so gross!