For those of you (Laura) who are still holding out hope that I will post pictures of our apartment, your hope is finally being rewarded. For the rest of you, you may skip if you like. These are only the highlights; the remainder are in our long-ignored Picassaaccount.

Wow! I have to admit that it looks better than Mom's Skype tour with the laptop. Very nice!
I see you hung pictures and got carpet for the kids rooms. Very nice!
wow! Where exactly is this gem in Cairo? It looks great!
That place is HUGE! I bet you're loving it. I like how much natural light you have. Hope you and the family are doing well and enjoying the fabulous weather. *envious sigh* haha
Your apartment looks lovely... palatial, really. Especially as I am now looking at housing for next semester, the current housing market looks less than friendly. Oh well! Take care you guys. (Kathleen and Sophia are looking so grown up!)
YAY! Apparently begging really does work! Thanks for the pcitures. Now I can visualize things better. :)
It looks huge enough for you to invite 100 of your closest friends over for a party! How nice!
Lovely! We are moving to Cairo in the summer and I would love to find an apartment like that! Question about your treadmill- did you have it shipped from the states when you moved?
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