and Brandon and I ate cake. So far for children's cake, we're 0 for 4. But truthfully, the cake which was something French and involved half a pound of chocolate, a pound of butter, and no flour at all, was not for Sophia anyway. After the attempted cake, we all had a dinner party with Sophia's presents (well, only she fit the dress).

For Brandon's birthday, we didn't have cake, but we did have three days of celebratory food. He had rice and milk (his request) for breakfast on Wednesday morning, Eggs Benedict for dinner that evening (again his request). Thursday night we went out to dinner and had ice cream. And today we had a full Southern dinner, complete with fried chicken, coleslaw, mashed potatoes, hushpuppies, and watermelon. While enjoying our tribute to Southern cookery, we mused that it was very likely that of all of the 80 million inhabitants in the country, we were the only ones enjoying such a repast. Those poor other 79,999,995 people.
Hi. I blogstalked you back. I am impressed with your cooking skillz and I'm glad for the pictures so I can see which cute little girls belong to you (there were so very many of them at that playgroup).
Nice chocolate face. Glad to hear you're keeping it civilized over there, fried chicken/hush puppies/watermelon. Thanks for the update!
Happy Birthday(s)!
It looks like you had an elegant dinner party, party dress and all. Happy Birthday to all!
Happy birthday to everyone! LOVE that picture of Sophia. Priceless.
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