Brandon, however, if he was raised in anything close to a household needing Gear, never inherited that propensity. At the commencement of our marriage, I brought a car, a computer, at least five boxes of kitchen equipment, sewing odds and ends, three boxes of painting, stained-glass, drawing, basketweaving, and bookmaking supplies, a chair, a lamp, a small collection of custom-framed artwork, a stereo system, and various other small items. Brandon brought Babe (on video, and we have no VCR), some clothes, and three or four boxes of books.
Being a farsighted person and liking to plan for the future, I have recently begun planning for the arrival of Sophia. As we own a crib, clothes, a carseat, and the diapers can be bought closer to her arrival, that only left one thing: a stroller. When Kathleen made her appearance, Brandon and I had our first discussion about strollers. He balked at the necessity of two strollers (one for running and one for other places), to which I finally appealed to experience by asking how many strollers his mother had. To which he replied, "None, where would she have used a stroller?" I suppose there aren't many sidewalks through cow pastures in Missouri.
So when the purchase of a third stroller was made yesterday, Brandon did what has never been done before in our marriage: he issued an official ban. No more strollers. Ever.

What a fun stroller! We also have a double jogging stroller. I love it!
You know I was thinking and I don't think we I can remember us ever having a should ask my mom. As for the official ban....drop him off at Barnes and Noble on your way to buy the next stroller and I am sure he will forget all about the "official ban". Ha ha. That is too funny!
Ashley, you know I am fully in support of strollers - we have three for only one child, and the birth of the next will probably bring on another two strollers. Chad, however, says that he really likes Brandon.
I understand about the stroller thing. We have three and two more back at my mom's... I love the pink stroller and the name Sophia is beautiful! I must have missed the announcement that you were having a girl but then again, I've been pretty out of it for the past 2 months so it wouldn't have been hard to do. I hope all is going well out west! We miss y'all!
The Swinefords
Um, I have to agree with your husband. You shouldn't be allowed to buy any more strollers. But for the record, my wife thinks it's "cute."
Does it come with it's own snow chains?
Love the pink! Crazy to think that in a couple of months you guys will have another one! :D
STROLLERS RULE! And I don't even have a kid yet. Gear is the reason for having kids, doesn't Brandon know that? Anyway. I think you could never have too many strollers if you use them all.
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